Opportunities For The Outdoor Industry Players

There is an opportunity for billboard owners and members of the OAAP to be able to work hand-in-hand with the government: by way of helping them with the anti-prostitution media campaign proposed by Sen. Pia Cayetano.

Asia is a hotspot for the flesh trade. From Thailand to the Philippines, the region is notorious for “the world’s oldest profession.” But despite the notoriety for this trade, in the Philippines, it is actually illegal to consume or provide services of this nature.

And yet, foreign visitors and the locals who provide such services persist in the trade. This only means one thing: laws, even those stated in the legislation are not enough. More has to be done in terms of execution and implementation.

Sen. Pia Cayetano has created an excellent proposal that may aid in combating the flesh trade in the Philippines:

“Translate messages against sex tourism into a ‘storyboard’ or advertising plan.”

One way that the OAAP members and other billboard owners can lend a hand for this campaign is to work hand-in-hand with the government in providing space for such a media campaign. This is a chance for billboard owners and members of the OAAP to be able to redeem themselves in the public eye, especially in light of the recent controversies surrounding billboards.Whether via discounts or free space, pitching in to help the government spread the word that the Philippine Constitution does not tolerate prostitution will help combat the persistence of the flesh trade.

As the late Ernie Baron used to say, “Knowledge is power.”

Indeed, all solutions start from information. As they say, “Knowing is half the battle.” And when we help by being the medium to spread this knowledge, we create a win-win situation for everyone, our nation’s children most of all.

Photo Credits: Sexy Billboards