Memorandum of Agreement between the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority & the Outdoor Advertising Association of the Philippines


This Agreement is entered by and between Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) and Outdoor Advertising Association of the Philippines (OAAP) on May 10, 2011.

WHEREAS, MMDA was deputized by the DPWH to implement Charter XX and Rule 20 of the provisions in the National Building Code and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, respectively.

WHEREAS, MMDA commenced the audit and inspection of the Billboards on May 4, 2011 and rolled-down the signs which are found to have violated provisions of the NBC and its IRR.

WHEREAS, OAAP requested the MMDA that Billboard operators be given fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Violations to make the appropriate rectification or compliance.

WHEREAS, MMDA as a sign of goodwill, acceded to the request of the OAAP and agreed to allow the roll-up of the sign found to be in violation of the NBC under the terms and conditions herein set forth.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing the parties agree as follows.

1. The Audit and Inspection of Billboard will resume on May 11, 2011 from the point where the last inspection ended on May 10, 2011.

2. The sign shall be rolled-down to give way for the initial inspection of the signboard structure and shall be rolled-up afterwards. Except for those signs which are identified to have no permit, in such case the sign shall be immediately rolled down.

3. The provisions in number 2 shall apply only in so far as the roll-ups is concerned, if the billboard structure owner/ representative shall be present at the time of inspection to receive the notice of violation and checklist of violations, otherwise the sign shall be roll-down immediately. The fifteen (15) days period to rectify the violation/s and comply with the requirement/s in accordance with the National Building Code and its IRR shall commence from the date of receipt of the Notice of Violations. Billboard inspected shall be permanently rolled-down and/or dismantled/abated in case of the failure to rectify/comply after fifteen (15) days, unless an extension is granted by the MMDA in meritorious circumstances.

4. For OAAP members and non-members, the OAAP will assist MMDA inform them to secure their Notice of Violations and Checklist of Violations directly from the MMDA Billboard Clearance Office. Fifteen (15) day period to comply/rectify shall commence from the receipt of such Notice of Violations and Checklist of Violations.

5. Billboards that have been rolled-down prior to this Agreement shall secure their Notice of Violations and Checklist of Violations directly from the MMDA Billboard Clearance Office and shall not be covered by this Agreement. Fifteen (15) day period to comply/rectify shall commence from the receipt of such Notice of Violations and Checklist of Violations.

6. Billboard operators may submit pertinent documents before the MMDA Billboard Clearance Office within the fifteen (15) day period to dispute findings of the Notice of Violations.


OIC – Traffic Discipline Officer President, OAAP